HEART takes center stage as we celebrate the "Month of Hearts". Here are some common heart idioms. Learn them "by heart" by answering the questions below.
① Do you know anyone with A HEART OF GOLD (very kind and generous)?
② Do you know anyone with A HEART OF STONE (very unkind/unfriendly)?
③ What is something that you would DO IN A HEARTBEAT (to do something almost immediately if you have the chance)?
④ Have you ever BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART (made someone very sad)?
⑤ Has your heart been broken by anyone?
⑥ What’s the best way to MEND A BROKEN HEART (get over a heartbreak)?
⑦ When was the last time you POURED YOUR HEART OUT to anyone (to tell someone your secret feelings or things that worry you)?
⑧ When was the last time you had A HEART TO HEART with anyone? (a sincere and intimate talk with someone)
⑨ Should you FOLLOW YOUR HEART (to act according to one's feelings)or mind?
⑩ What do you HAVE YOUR HEART SET ON (to want something very much) nowadays?