Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Making Sense Out of Scents

The human nose is an amazing organ. In a recent study, it was discovered that the human nose can distinguish a trillion different scents.  Just as there are a myriad of scents that the nose can pick up, there are many words in English used to describe scents or odors.

Here are some adjectives used to describe different scents or odors.

Adjectives for pleasant scents
a) fragrant
b) clean
c) sweet
d) aromatic
e) fresh

Adjectives used to describe unpleasant odors
a) pungent (sharp and strong)
b) acrid (bitter and unpleasant
c) stinky
d) smelly
e) putrid (like the smell of decaying material)
f) musty (a bad smell caused by wetness, old age or lack of fresh air)

Can you describe these objects using one of the adjectives from above?

Possible Answers

1. sweet
2. fresh
3. fragrant
4. clean
5. pungent
6. stinky
7. musty

Monday, February 10, 2014

Heart Idioms

HEART takes center stage as we celebrate the "Month of Hearts".  Here are some common heart idioms.  Learn them "by heart" by answering the questions below.

① Do you know anyone with A HEART OF GOLD (very kind and generous)?
② Do you know anyone with A HEART OF STONE (very unkind/unfriendly)?
③ What is something that you would DO IN A HEARTBEAT (to do something almost immediately if you have the chance)?
④ Have you ever BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART (made someone very sad)?
⑤ Has your heart been broken by anyone?
⑥ What’s the best way to MEND A BROKEN HEART (get over a heartbreak)?
⑦ When was the last time you POURED YOUR HEART OUT to anyone (to tell someone your secret feelings or things that worry you)?
⑧ When was the last time you had A HEART TO HEART with anyone? (a sincere and intimate talk with someone)
⑨ Should you FOLLOW YOUR HEART (to act according to one's feelings)or mind?
⑩ What do you HAVE YOUR HEART SET ON (to want something very much) nowadays?